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YäRKEN for IT & Engineering

Dive into action with solutions that power your projects forward—maximizing performance while minimizing costs.

See Beyond Costs.

In a dynamic business environment, making informed decisions is key. Get the insight and control you need to align Tech spending with strategic objectives, ensuring every investment propels you forward.

Simplify Your Tech, Amplify Your Impact

Anticipate Technology Costs

Leverage YäRKEN to anticipate and align cloud and on-premise spending with business growth accurately. Use team-based forecasting tools to prevent bill shock, ensuring budget adherence and ROI on every investment.

Collaborate for Success

Uncover Hidden Platform Costs

Go beyond direct platform spend, integrating labour, software licenses, and supporting costs into your analysis. Get the full picture through your Platform TCO dashboards for Cloud and Legacy platforms and drill down to uncover all supporting spend.
Uncover Hidden Cloud Costs

Drive Team Accountability

Assign cloud costs to respective teams, enhancing self-accountability over forecasted spend and encouraging action-oriented governance for strategic planning.

Drive Team Accountability

Simplify Multi-Cloud Spend

Gain visibility and control over your multi-cloud spend. Access a standardized taxonomy across providers, and assess each service's reliability, ensuring optimised cloud strategy execution.
Simplify Multi-Cloud Spend

Connect the dots.

Take Control of your IT spend.